Now showing items 60-79 of 450

      Correlates of enrolment and retention of Batwa Pygmy children in primary schools in Kisoro District, Uganda. [1]
      Correlates of research output: the case of public universities in Uganda [1]
      Covariates of students’ academic performance in the School of Education, College of Education and External Studies, Makerere University [1]
      Cultivating pre-service teacher's knowledge of fostering futures thinking among history students through use of emerging technologies [1]
      Cultural content as a precursor to the development of students’ reading comprehension in selected secondary schools in Jinja District [1]
      Cultural identity and self esteem as factors in self efficacy in sciences among Bakonzo and non Bakonzo girls in Busongora-Kasese District [1]
      Decentralization and the challenges of primary education service delivery: A case of Mbarara District [1]
      Decentralization policy and human resource management of Universal Primary Education in Central Uganda [1]
      Decision making and academic staff commitment in Faculty of Education at Kyambogo University, Uganda. [1]
      Decision-making styles of heads of department and work involvement of academic staff in Makerere and Nkumba Universities [1]
      Delegation and job satisfaction of secondary school teachers in Mukono District: A case of Mukono Town Council Schools [1]
      Determinants of academic performance by private secondary schools in enhancing quality education in Busia District. [1]
      Determinants of Mathematics teaching self-efficacy of Pre-Service teachers in Primary Teachers’ Colleges in Busoga Sub-Region in Uganda. [1]
      Determinants of service quality for external quality assurance agencies in higher education: A case study of the Commission for University Education, Kenya [1]
      Determinants of students' academic performance in private secondary schools in Wakiso district. [1]
      Determinants of students’ performance in Luganda language in Secondary schools in Buwekula, Mubende District [1]
      Developing Literacy skills at lower primary through the thematic curriculum in Mubende Municipality. [1]
      Digital natives or digital immigrants? an examination of the claims about children and caregivers in Kampala ECD centers [1]
      Direct and indirect teacher corrective feedback and learners’ writing ability in secondary schools [1]
      Discipline management strategies and student behaviour in private secondary schools in Mayuge Town Council [1]