Now showing items 233-252 of 339

      Household characteristics and anaemia among children under five in Uganda [1]
      Household factors that determine pupil’s age at first primary school enrollment in Uganda [1]
      Household food security assessment using logistic and rasch models: A case study of Tororo and Busia Districts [1]
      Impact of changing from commercial transaction levy (CTL) and sales tax to value added tax (VAT) on economic growth in Uganda for the period 1987-2012 [1]
      Impact of improved rural roads on household welfare in Uganda [1]
      The impact of real exchange rate volatility on economic growth, evidence from Uganda. [1]
      Impact of teenage pregnancies and childbirth on the health status of young mothers in Busia District, East Africa [1]
      Impact of the Uganda women entrepreneurship program on household wellbeing and women empowerment; a case of Busia district in Uganda [1]
      The implications of antiretroviral therapy/drugs (ART/ARVs) on sexual behavior and the prevention of HIV in Mubende, Uganda [1]
      Improving profit and productivity through optimal cropland allocation for smallholder farmers in Malawi [1]
      Influence of maternal factors on birth weight outcomes of newborns in Uganda [1]
      Integrating family planning data in Uganda’s Health Management Information System [1]
      Intimate partner violence and current modern contraceptive use among married women in Uganda: A cross-sectional study [1]
      Investigation of infant mortality prediction methods and progression of its determinants in Uganda (1995-2016) [1]
      A KAP (Knowledge, Attitudes, Practices) study on abstinence as an HIV preventive strategy among adolescents in Kampala Secondary Schools. [1]
      The key to stopping refugee crisis in Africa is in our hands [1]
      Knowledge and determinants of utilization of antenatal care services among adolescent mothers in Luuka district [1]
      Knowledge of Millennium Development Goals among University Faculty in Uganda and Kenya [1]
      Knowledge, attitudes and practices of youth towards HIV/AIDS: A case of Northern Uganda region [1]
      Macroeconomic determinants of emigration from Uganda, 2010-2017 [1]