Now showing items 488-507 of 798

      Late diagnosis of HIV among elderly persons attending Kampala Capital City Authority HIV clinics [1]
      Late presentation for HIV care among adult men aged 18 years and above at Family Hope Centre, Jinja District: prevalence, associated factors and the role of masculinity norms. [1]
      Level and determinants of compliance to the Uganda National Bureau of Standards Infection control precautions among barbers in Makindye Division, Kampala District [1]
      Level of partograph completeness in Kyenjojo District health facilities, Mid-Western Uganda [1]
      Limitations of Rapid HIV-1 tests during screening for trials in Uganda: diagnostic test accuracy study [1]
      Linkage to HIV care among adults with positive oral HIV self-test results in Central Uganda : a mixed-methods study [1]
      Long Lasting Insecticidal Net (LLIN) Care Attitudes, Practices, and associated factors in Budondo Subcounty, Jinja district, Uganda [1]
      Loss to follow up of mother-baby pairs in the prevention of mother-to child transmission of HIV care at Masaka regional referral hospital, Central Uganda. [1]
      Lung functioning and health-related quality of life among adult patients with completed treatment for pulmonary tuberculosis at two urban referral hospitals in Kampala. [1]
      Lymphatic filariasis infection five years after discontinuing Mass Drug Administration in Lango Sub region of Northern Uganda [1]
      A machine learning model to explore individual risk factors for tuberculosis treatment refill non-adherence in Mukono District. [1]
      Malaria control methods used by the community in peri-urban area (Ndeeba Parish) [1]
      Malaria indices in children from the urban and peri-urban areas of Kampala [1]
      Malaria test preference and associated factors among health workers in public health facilities in Kampala district [1]
      Male circumcision, sexual behavior, and HIV status in Uganda [1]
      Male involvement in prenatal care in Jinja Municipality, Uganda [1]
      Malnutrition and intestinal worm infestation in rural Kigezi [2]
      Malnutrition: Prevalence and associated factors among people living with HIV attending HIV Clinic in Arua Hospital [1]
      Marriage, Risk Behaviours and HIV Infection in Rural Rakai, South Western Uganda [1]
      Married indviduals' perceptions about the factors associated with HIV infection in marriage: A case study of Mbarara Municipality, South Western Uganda. [1]