School of Built Environment (SBE) Collections: Recent submissions
Now showing items 41-60 of 389
Assessing the efficiency of land sharing as an option to resolve land lord-tenant impasse on Mailo Land in Uganda
(Makerere University, 2024-05)Uganda's land tenure system has long been plagued by disputes between landlords and tenants, hindering agricultural productivity rural and urban development. Land sharing, an innovative option provided by the National Land ... -
Project report on supervision of construction of a medical laboratory and patients’ kitchen at Amudat hospital, Amudat District
(Makerere University, 2024-07)This report provides an account of my participation in the construction supervision of Construction of a Medical Laboratory at Amudat Hospital. The Contract was awarded to Crane Aluminum Limited at a total contract sum of ... -
Assessing knowledge and attitudes relating to women's land ownership rights in Kimannya-Kabonera Division, Masaka City, Masaka District
(Makerere University, 2024-05)Background/Introduction: Gender equality is essential for sustainable development, with women's land rights being crucial. Despite legal reforms, women in Africa, particularly Uganda, face barriers in land ownership due ... -
The effect of changing construction drawings on the project : a case study of the construction of additional building for FAO office in UNMISS Compound, UN House, JUBA, South Sudan.
(Makerere University, 2024-11-21)This project explores the how change of construction drawings in the construction phase influences the project duration and cost, using the construction of Food and Agriculture Organization additional office in Juba ... -
Unravelling the value engineering practices on the Kampala industrial business park development project, Namanve.
(2024-05-29)The Kampala Industrial Business Park Development Project in Namanve, Uganda was established with the aim of creating a world-class industrial hub, promoting economic growth and industrialization. The project commenced on ... -
Assessing the effects of Official Mailo Land Tenure (Kabaka's Land) on physical infrastructure development
(Makerere University, 2024)This research investigates the impact of official Mailo land tenure on infrastructure development in Uganda using case studies from urban areas of Kasubi, Lungujja, and Kibuye. Ntinda area which has Leasehold as the ... -
Assessing the implementation of land use plans in Uganda : A case study of Nansana Division
(Makerere University, 2024)This research investigates the disparities between planned and implemented land uses in Nansana Division, focusing on the causes and implications of these disparities. Utilizing satellite imagery, GIS analysis, and qualitative ... -
Evaluation of the effectiveness of certificates of occupancy in securing tenure of tenants on Mailo Land in Mubende District : A case study of Madudu Sub-county
(Makerere University, 2024)The study evaluated the effectiveness of Certificates of Occupancy in securing the tenure of tenants on Mailo land in Mubende district, specifically, Madudu Subcounty. The specific objectives of the study included; to ... -
Analysis of the reliability of time schedule forecasts adopted at road project tendering in Uganda
(Makerere University, 2024)This study takes a close look at the accuracy of time schedule forecasts used in road construction projects across Uganda, focusing on seven key projects. It explores the common discrepancies between the estimated timelines ... -
Evaluating the quality management measures used during the Kampala flyover construction project (KFCRUP)-LOT 1.
(Makerere University, 2024-05-28)According to (Ashokkumar , 2014) worldwide, the construction industry has been struggling with quality issues for many years and the construction Contractors have been wasting resources as a result of faulty construction. ... -
The role of value Engineering in enhancing the performance of the Kira-matugga road construction project.
(Makerere University, 2024-11-15)This study aimed to investigate the role of value engineering in enhancing the performance of the Kira-Matugga road construction project. Value engineering is a systematic approach to improving project outcomes by identifying ... -
Assessing urban Agriculture in Kampala City and its implications on urban planning.
(Makerere University, 2024-10-01)As cities develop and densities increase, there is a reduction in the magnitude of urban green and land for urban agriculture. The urbanites often resort to the use of ecologically sensitive areas such as wetlands, places ... -
Assessing the non-motorized transport (NMT) facilities from 2019 to date in Mbarara City, Uganda.
(Makerere University, 2024-09-18)This study focused on Assessing the Non-Motorized Transport (NMT) Facilities from 2019 to update in Mbarara City, Uganda. The research employed mixed methods, including observation, questionnaires, interviews, photography, ... -
Measurement of production rates for manual trenching on construction projects
(Makerere University, 2024-11-04)Trenches,a preliminary activity in construction for foundations, road drainage, laying utilities etc in most developing countries, particularly Uganda is done manually using tools such as hoes, pick axes, and spades. ... -
Laboratory mix design experiment to achieve high-performance cement concrete (CLASS C50) for Pagada bridge deck using locally sourced materials.
(Makerere University, 2024-11-05)The current state of cement concrete practice in Uganda is limited to low (< 20 MPa) and medium (20 – 40 MPa) classes of concrete for small to medium structures such as those on district roads. This study centred on ... -
A methodology for retracing parcel boundaries established using fit for purpose land Administration techniques in Uganda.
(Makerere University, 2024-10-29)The Fit-for-Purpose Land Administration (FFP LA) concept offers a cost-effective, rapid, and adaptable alternative to traditional land administration, enabling developing countries to adjudicate, map, and register land ... -
Measurement of production rates for manual trenching on construction projects
(Makerere University, 2024)Trenches, a preliminary activity in construction for foundations, road drainage and laying utilities in most developing countries, particularly Uganda is done manually using tools such as hoes, pick axes, and spades. ... -
Construction of the proposed commercial building on plot No.45 Kiira road, Kampala central district.
(Makerere University, 2024-08-08)Construction projects regularly involve a variety of skills that originate from a diversity of professionals, specialists, and suppliers. Successful implementation of a construction project can only be achieved if good ... -
Exploring the use of KNN and ANN algorithms in flood susceptibility mapping
(Makerere University, 2024-10)Floods are natural disasters that can cause extensive damage to people and property. Climate change, driven by rising global temperatures and shifts in landforms, human activities, and engineering structures, has significantly ... -
Geo Statistical Modelling of Spatial- Temporal Patterns of Wet and Dry Conditions at a Local Scale in Uganda
(Makerere University, 2024-10)The uncertainties surrounding climate change have made it imperative for economies such as Uganda's that depend on agriculture to model wet and dry conditions at the local scale. Wet and dry conditions have profound effects ...