Student satisfaction with university education: A case of selected programmes of Ndejje University, Kampala- Uganda
The study sought to investigate the role of university education in satisfying students’ needs in Ndejje University. It aimed at examining how higher education offered in Ndejje University enables students construct desirable knowledge, equips them with values like socialisation and individualism as well as, how students in the university are equipped with soft skills relevant to the job market.
A descriptive case study research design was used. The study sample included ; University administrators, the academic registrar, academic staff, students and higher education officials from Ministry of Education and Sports and National Council for Higher Education. The study utilized questionnaires, interview guides and observation check lists as the research instruments. Data was analysed using SPSS a computer software package in which quantitative data was analysed using simple tabulations in form of percentages. The qualitative data was thematically coded and analysed in order of the research objectives.
The findings of the study revealed that, 1) University education does contribute to students’ construction of knowledge 2) University education equips students with values like socialisation and individualism. 3) University education does equip students with soft skills needed for by the labour market. It concluded that knowledge construction, values and skills development are all geared towards satisfying students’ needs and recommended that lecturers and university administrators should make education better for the students by also integrating new and better teaching styles like online reading and finally, encouraging students to take internship seriously and practice all that they have learnt at the university when searching for jobs.