Stakeholders’ perceptions to teacher transfer and it’s implications on teachers’ utilisation in Mubende District
This dissertation describes stakeholders’ perceptions towards teacher transfer and implications on teachers’ utilisation in selected secondary schools in Mubende district. A sample of ten Head teachers, 55 teachers, 100 students, 20 parents, 20 P.T.A and school Board of Governors’ representatives and 2 Ministry of Education and Sports officials was drawn. The study was guided by the ‘Systems’ theory which explains the inter relationships and interaction that exists in an organisation, the education institution being no exception. The study describes the stress and strains that befall system components when change is initiated, which dimensions took on the educacational stakeholders consequent upon teacher transfer.
The study sought to establish the influence of the 2003-2004 massive teacher transfers on voices of education stakeholders. The study entirely embraced the qualitative methods and the design was a case study. The research revealed a variety of responses expressed qualitatively that were reduced into themes guided by objectives and research questions of the study. Conclusions drawn indicated a more negative inclination of stakeholders’ attitudes towards teacher transfer which equally impacted negatively on teachers’ utilisation hence calling for policy interventions for successful realisation of transfer aims and objectives of improving teachers’ professional growth.