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dc.contributor.authorSsemwanga, Ezra
dc.identifier.citationSsemwanga, E. (2011). The influence of appraisal methods on teacher job performance in private primary schools in Mukono Municipality. Unpublished master's dissertation. Makerere University, Kampala, Ugandaen_US
dc.descriptionDissertation submitted to the Directorate of Research and Graduate Training in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the award of the Degree of Master of Arts in Educational Management of Makerere University, Kampalaen_US
dc.description.abstractThe study was carried out to establish the influence of appraisal methods on the performance of teachers in private primary schools in Mukono Municipality. It was guided by three objectives which were: to find out how employee comparison methods, result-oriented methods and critical incident methods influence teachers’ job performance in private primary schools in the Municipality. The study was basically quantitative involving the use of a cross sectional survey design. A target of 200 respondents was selected using stratified random and purposive sampling methods. Data were analyzed using Pearson’s Correlation Co-efficient techniques. The findings of the study revealed a positive significant relationship between the three appraisal methods and teacher job performance in private primary schools in Mukono Municipality. In relation to the study findings, the researcher concluded that comparison appraisal method, result-oriented appraisal method and critical incident appraisal method all positively influence teachers’ job performance in private primary schools in Mukono Municipality. The researcher therefore recommends that if teachers’ job performance is to be improved in private primary schools in Mukono Municipality, the Ministry of Education and Sports, school directors, head teachers, teachers, and other stakeholders should ensure that the following are done, namely: to compare teachers performance with that of others teaching the same subject and those teaching different subjects, ensure those teachers results from assignments, tests and examinations and other forms of assessments for various years are recorded for future references and also to ensure that critical incidents recorded about teachers in their areas of responsibility are always referred to when appraising them.en_US
dc.publisherMakerere Universityen_US
dc.subjectAppraisal methodsen_US
dc.subjectJob performanceen_US
dc.subjectPrivate primary schoolsen_US
dc.subjectMukono Municipality, Ugandaen_US
dc.titleThe influence of appraisal methods on teacher job performance in private primary schools in Mukono Municipalityen_US

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