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dc.contributor.authorWakida, Fred
dc.identifier.citationWakida, F. (2011). Management and cases of arson in selected secondary schools in Wakiso District, Uganda. Unpublished master's dissertation. Makerere University, Kampala, Ugandaen_US
dc.descriptionA Dissertation submitted to the School of Graduate Studies in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the award of the Degree of Master of Science in Human Resource Management of Makerere Universityen_US
dc.description.abstractThe study sought to establish the relationship between Management and Cases of Arson in Secondary Schools in Wakiso District. The objectives of the study were to establish: the influence of organization of school programmes on cases of arson in secondary schools in Wakiso District; the influence of budgeting for school programmes on cases of arson in secondary schools in the District and, the influence of control of staff and students on cases of arson in secondary schools in the District. A cross sectional survey design guided the study using quantitative and qualitative means. In all, the study involved 302 respondents comprising of students, teachers and head teachers. Data was collected with the use of questionnaire and interviews. Data was analysed using descriptive frequencies, pie charts and graphs and the relationship between the variables was tested using Pearson linear correlation coefficient using SPSS (Statistical Package for Social Scientists). Findings of the study indicated that management and cases of arson, and then control and cases of arson were strongly correlated both with high values of r=.296,p=.00 and r=.205, p=.00 respectively. However, a weak relationship was established between budgeting and arson (r=.210, p=.00). It was concluded that organization of school programmes influences cases of arson hence the need for following correct procedures of organizing and implementing school activities, budgeting should cater for the most pressing and most obvious needs of students and once met, dissatisfaction and discontent would not arise which would create grounds for arson to occur. Proper control is required in terms of subjecting students and teachers to adhere to the set rules and standards, though it should not become repressive. It was recommended that management and school administration should involve students in designing and implementing programmes, school planning committees should make comprehensive budgets that cater for the welfare of students and ensuring smooth flow of information about control activities used.en_US
dc.publisherMakerere Universityen_US
dc.subjectSecondary schoolsen_US
dc.subjectArson casesen_US
dc.subjectWakiso District, Ugandaen_US
dc.titleManagement and cases of arson in selected secondary schools in Wakiso District, Ugandaen_US

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