Now showing items 960-979 of 1334

      Papayo wetland use-cover change and underpinning factors in the period 2015-2022 [1]
      Participation of local communities in the management of human-wildlife conflicts around Kyambura Wildlife Reserve in South Western Uganda [1]
      Participatory land use governance and livelihoods in Awoja Watershed, Uganda [1]
      Participatory management of fisheries resources of Lake Nakuwa in Pallisa District, Eastern Uganda [1]
      Passion fruit drying using refractance window dryer and evaluation of output powder as ingredient for yogurt [1]
      Pastoralists' indigenous selection criteria and other breeding practices of the long-horned Ankole cattle in Uganda [2]
      Pasture management for livestock production in Uganda: proceedings of the first Uganda pasture network workshop held at Makerere University, Kampala, 14-17 December 1987 [1]
      Pathogenic and genetic diversity of Xanthomonas axonopodis pv.Manihotis in Uganda [1]
      Pathogenic variation of colletotrichum lindemuthianum causing anthracnose of beans (phaseolus vulgaris) in Uganda [1]
      Patterns of frugivory of the Budongo Forest chimpanzees, Uganda [1]
      Patterns of infiltration on a bench terraced hillslope of Kigezi highlands [1]
      Payment for environmental services for forest conservation in the agricultural landscape of mid-western Uganda. [1]
      Perceived benefits of participatory market chain approach in marketing orange fleshed sweet potatoes in Soroti District, Eastern Uganda [1]
      Perception and sanitisation of human faeces for soil fertility management in Uganda [1]
      Perception of and adaptation to climate change among agricultural communities of Kabarole District [1]
      Perceptions, socio-economic factors, and differences in income effects of payment for ecosystem services and labour intensive public works in Mt. Elgon Region, Uganda [1]
      Perennial biomass production in arid mangrove systems on the Red Sea coast of Saudi Arabia [1]
      Performance and adoption of tissue culture bananas in South Western and Central Uganda [2]
      Performance and genomic prediction of Cassava brown streak disease response in selected Nigerian cassava germplasm [1]
      Performance and inheritance patterns of storage root yield traits in the new Kawogo X Beauregard sweet potato cross in Uganda [1]