Now showing items 2694-2713 of 2933

      Surgical site infections after neurosurgical procedures at Mulago National Referral hospital: prevalence and bacteriological patterns [1]
      Surgical site infections after neurosurgical procedures at Mulago National Referral Hospital; prevalence and bacteriological patterns [1]
      Surgically treated pelvic abscess: microbial and antimicrobial sensitivity patterns in Mulago Hospital Kampala-Uganda [1]
      Survey of antimalarial medicines and pharmacopoeial quality of artemether-lumefantrine tablets sold in Tororo District [1]
      A survey of paediatric computed tomography radiation doses in two selected hospitals in Kampala, Uganda, a radiation protection concern [1]
      A survey of pain assessment practices among clinicians working in Uganda’s Intensive Care Units [1]
      A survey of the Prevalence of Refractive Errors among Children in Lower Primary School in Kampla District. [1]
      Survey to Assess Knowledge and Reported Practices Regarding Blood Transfusion Among Cancer Physicians in Uganda [1]
      Survival of infants born to HIV-positive mothers, by feeding modality, in Rakai, Uganda [1]
      Surviving crisis: how systems and communities cope with instability, insecurity and infection [1]
      Suspected adverse drug reactions of isoniazid preventive therapy in HIV-positive patients at three regional hospitals: prevalence, associated factors, management and reporting [1]
      Suspected outbreak of cutaneous anthrax in Kasese District: The investigation and response, April to May 2007. [1]
      A symptom based machine learning model for the prediction of prostate cancer:a case study of Uganda Cancer Institute- Mulago. [1]
      Symptomatic hyperlactatemia associated with nucleoside analogue reverse-transcriptase inhibitor use in HIV-infected patients: a report of 24 cases in a Resource-Limited Setting (Uganda). [2]
      Symtomatic hyperlactatemia associated with nucleoside analogue reverse-transcriptase inhibitor use in HIV-infected patients: a report of 24 cases in a resource limited setting (Uganda). [1]
      Syphilis in Uganda: (the history, clinical features and cellular immunity [1]
      T cell Expression of CD153 in Latent Tuberculosis Infection and Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus [1]
      T cell immune responses towards plasmodium falciparum and Schistosoma mansoni co-infection in school going children along lake Victoria shoreline, Mayuge district [1]
      T- cell activation and senescence phenotypes among people living with hiv-1 with advanced immunosuppression [1]
      Taking down ‘the Ivory Tower’: leveraging academia for better health outcomes in Uganda [1]