Now showing items 1-10 of 110
Seeking referral care for newborns in Eastern Uganda: Community health workers’ role, caretakers’ compliance and provision of care
(Makerere University and Karolinska Institutet, 2014)
Background: Newborn deaths contribute 44% of all under-five deaths. Community health
worker (CHW) during home-visits may identify and refer newborns to health facilities for
postnatal care and treatment of danger signs. ...
Potential role of village health teams in improving anti-retroviral therapy service delivery in Gulu District
(Makerere University, 2014-11)
Village Health Teams (VHTs) are community health workers trained to carry out health activities at the community level with close supervision by health professionals at a health centre level II. However, the provision of ...
Assessment of the enabling and barrier factors for reciept of couple HIV counselling and testing in Rakai district health facilities.
Discordant marriages are one of the world’s high risk groups for HIV transmission. Rakai district in Uganda has 55.9% HIV sero discordance rate. Married people who come with their partners for CHCT which ...
Trends in HIV counseling and testing uptake among married individuals in Rakai, Uganda.
(BioMed Central, 2013)
Background: Despite efforts to promote HIV counseling and testing (HCT) among couples, few couples know their
own or their partners’ HIV status. We assessed trends in HCT uptake among married individuals in Rakai ...
Assessment of the implementation of TB/HIV collaborative activities of the south east zone in Uganda.
Introduction and Background:
Uganda like other sub Saharan African countries is battling with a dual epidemic of TB and HIV. About 60% of TB patients are co-infected with HIV, while about 20% of HIV patients have TB ...
Assessment of knowledge, attitudes and practices of hair salon operators on infection control measures in Busia district, uganda.
INTRODUCTION AND BACKGROUND: Barbering and hairdressing pose particular public health if they are not conducted in a safe and hygienic manner. These risks that include the transmission of infectious diseases such as ...
Factors associated with clinic non-attendance among HIV infected adolescents at the Mildmay Centre in Wakiso District Uganda
Health seeking behaviour among adolescents is poor yet they face many health challenges including unwanted pregnancies, sexually transmitted infections (STI) and HIV infection. The Mildmay Centre currently provides care ...
Adherence to clinical standards of quality HIV/AIDS care and anti-retroviral therapy in health facilities in West Nile Region, Uganda.
(Makerere University, 2011-06)
Introduction: Almost one quarter of an estimated one million people living with HIV in Uganda are receiving ART, creating unprecedented demand for long term high quality HIV/AIDS care.
Objectives: To assess adherence ...
Condom use and associated factors among HIV positive ART naive and ART experienced patients attending HIV chronic care clinics in Entebbe Municipality.
About thirty three million people are infected with HIV/AIDS worldwide. The main mode of transmission of HIV is by heterosexual transmission. Studies have demonstrated that the male condom can substantially ...
Evaluation of the performance of HIV/AIDS post test clubs in Mubende District - Uganda.
Post-test clubs were introduced in 1990 in Uganda following the enacting of the VCT policy, now HIV counselling and testing (HCT) policy. In Mubende District they were introduced in 2000 but since then, no ...