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dc.contributor.authorNabusiu, Aaron Ivan
dc.identifier.citationNabusiu, A. I. (2024). Knowledge, attitudes and perceptions towards the proposed National Health Insurance Scheme amongst commercial motorcycle riders in Kampala (Unpublished master's dissertation). Makerere University, Kampala, Uganda.en_US
dc.descriptionA dissertation submitted to the Directorate of Research and Graduate Training in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the award of Master of Public Health of Makerere University.en_US
dc.description.abstractBackground: Uganda is seeking to achieve universal health coverage for its citizens by putting into action a National Health Insurance Scheme (NHIS). Commercial motor cycle riders are the most vulnerable motorists in Uganda, accounting for nearly half (43%) of all accidents reported to the Uganda Police. They also constitute a significant section of the community, with one rider reported to interact with at least thirty different members of the population, therefore their views can be used as proxy for views of the community. The knowledge, attitudes and perceptions of the people will determine how successful the implementation of any policy will be. Objective: The objective of this study was to find out the knowledge, attitudes and perceptions towards the proposed National Health Insurance scheme amongst commercial motor cycle riders in Kampala city. Methods : A descriptive cross-sectional study utilizing an interviewer-administered questionnaire was used to assess the knowledge, attitudes and perceptions towards the NHIS amongst 398 commercial motorcycle riders in Kampala. Participants were recruited from KCCA designated stages in the five divisions of Lubaga, Central, Kawempe, Makindye and Nakawa. Knowledge was assessed by the number of correct responses to the asked questions and was reported as a score out of 10, while attitudes and perceptions were assessed based on the responses to the questions asked. Statistic software was used to analyze the association between Knowledge, attitudes and perceptions towards the NHIS with demographic characteristics. Results: More than half of the respondents reported having heard of the NHIS, although only 44% knew the full details and objectives of the scheme. Respondents in the age range of 18-39yrs significantly had good knowledge compared to other age groups. The general perception towards the NHIS was fair, with more than half of respondents expecting that the NHIS would have a positive impact on their lives and it would be a success if implemented. The general attitude towards the NHIS was poor, with less than half of the respondents reported willing to comply with the terms and requirements of the NHIS. Conclusions and Recommendations: Close to half of the study participants were aware about the NHIS but did not have an elaborate understanding of its implementation and goals. The general perception towards the NHIS was fair, and the general attitude towards the NHIS was poor. The Ministry of Health and other implementation partners should take up deliberate measures to raise public awareness about the benefits of having a National Health Insurance scheme so that to increase its acceptance and chances of being a success upon implementationen_US
dc.publisherMakerere Universityen_US
dc.subjectHealth insuranceen_US
dc.subjectMotor cycle ridersen_US
dc.titleKnowledge, attitudes and perceptions towards the proposed National Health Insurance Scheme amongst commercial motorcycle riders in Kampalaen_US

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