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dc.contributor.authorKinshaba, Patience Nkunda
dc.identifier.citationKinshaba, P. N. (2024). Employee training and organizational performance; a case study of Kanungu District local government in Uganda; unpublished dissertation, Makerere University, Kampalaen_US
dc.descriptionA research report submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirement for the Degree of Masters of Arts in Public Admiration and Management of Makerere Universityen_US
dc.description.abstractThe effectiveness of local government in delivering essential services to citizens relies heavily on a competent and well-trained workforce. However, concerns persist regarding the performance of local government employees in Uganda, with studies suggesting a decline in service delivery standards in districts like Kanungu. This inefficiency can be attributed to various factors, but a crucial element is the nature and effectiveness of training programs offered to staff. Effective employee training is a cornerstone of successful organizations across the globe. Studies consistently demonstrate a positive correlation between well-designed training programs and improved employee performance, skill development, and overall organizational effectiveness (Noe et al., 2017). Governments around the world are increasingly recognizing the importance of investing in employee training to enhance service delivery and meet citizen needs (Altbach et al., 2007).en_US
dc.publisherMakerere Universityen_US
dc.subjectEmployee training and organizational performanceen_US
dc.titleEmployee training and organizational performance: a case study of Kanungu district local government in Ugandaen_US

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