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dc.contributor.authorJoseph Sematimba, Margaret Trowell school of Fine and Industrial Art, Makerere University.
dc.description. The artist looks at his character as a man who loves peace and restful environments and transfers these personal desired traits into a painting that calls for the viewer to reflect on them when the painting is displayed in a library setting. The sense of visual space that surround the entire painting, the division of space in the background into limited tertiary hues all create an atmosphere of tranquility. The tranquility is not idealized accidently, it is intentional. That’s why a book is presented in the foreground of the painting to emphasize that teaching and learning require a peaceful environment.en_US
dc.description.abstractTranquility’ is a self-portrait of the artist. The artist looks at his character as a man who loves peace and restful environments and transfers these personal desired traits into a painting that calls for the viewer to reflect on them when the painting is displayed in a library setting.en_US
dc.description.sponsorshipGovernment of Uganda, Makerere University Research and Innovations Fund (RIF) and Makerere University Library.en_US

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