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dc.contributor.authorKakinda Fred Kizito
dc.descriptionContext and description: In this decorative painting titled ‘Source of life’, the artist presents two abstracted human seated figurative forms sipping what appears to be the ‘malwa’ drink, an alcoholic beverage made from malted millet, and served in a pot with long straws in several parts of Uganda. The remaining standing people standing in the painting are singing written music. The painting is dominated with red, dark blue, white and different ranges of yellow tones. He uses black tones which create strong demarcating contours which cut through the background and give the remaining forms a sense of being liberated from the background. The entire work is very decorative and reminds the viewer the Caribbean source of influence. His use of abstracted mask like forms is also a reminder of his admiration of the traditional African sculpture. Reds dominated this painting to symbolize life and brotherhooden_US
dc.description.abstractIn this decorative painting titled ‘Source of life’, the artist presents two abstracted human seated figurative forms sipping what appears to be the ‘malwa’ drink, an alcoholic beverage made from malted millet, and served in a pot with long straws in several parts of Uganda.en_US
dc.description.sponsorshipGovernment of Uganda, Makerere University Research and Innovations Fund (RIF) and Makerere University Library.en_US
dc.titleSource of lifeen_US

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