Comparing the determinants of household wealth status by disability status of family heads in Uganda
The study aimed at comparing the determinants of households’ wealth status by the disability status of family heads in Uganda. The data used was collected by Uganda Bureau of Statistics using the Uganda Demographic Health Survey 2016; household questionnaire. The objectives were to; obtain the disability prevalence amongst family heads, establish whether disability status of family heads determine wealth status of households and also compare the determinants of household welfare based on the disability status of the family head. Thus the data was analyzed at three levels; univariate for variable descriptive statistics, bivariate to assess association between independent and dependent variables and then the multivariate level using the ordered logit model to attain significance of variables in determining wealth status for households.
From the results, the prevalence of disability amongst household heads is at 11.4%. The disability status of the family head is significantly associated (p= 0.000) with wealth status but is not a significant determinant of wealth status. Overall, majority (23.1%) of the households were in the poorest wealth index and by disability status, the PWD headed majority of the PWD headed households were in the lower wealth indices relative to their Non PWD headed counterparts.
Irrespective of the disability status of the family head, age, sex, highest education level attained, place of residence and region were significant determinants of wealth status (p≤0.5). Female headed households, had no education relative to educated ones, those in rural compared to urban, located in north compared to the east, west and central respectively were more less to belong in higher wealth status. Marital status and age was only significantly associated with wealth status for non-PWD headed households with the never married belonging to higher wealth status compared to the married, divorced and widowed respectively. Household size was also significant for only the PWD headed households with the small sized households belonging to wealthier indices relative to their large counterparts.
Thus study recommends that if government is to implement programs for development; female headed households, those in the rural versus the urban locations as well as north and eastern regions should be purposely selected. There should also be enhancement in the allocation to special needs education to improve on their educational outcomes