Now showing items 1-14 of 14

    • Bacteriophage 

      Israelis (1973)
      The Vet dome was part of the former faculty of veterinary medicine building. It was intended to hold the tank that supplies water to the building. However two floors were never constructed. It is located at COVAB
    • Boundless Knowledge 

      Staff from Margaret Trowel school of Fine Art and Design (2017)
      The two-dimensional artwork is a symbol of an Ivory Tower representing Makerere University and its status as a leading institution for academic excellence and Innovations in Africa.
    • The Bust of the 1st president of Tanzania, Mwalimu Julius Nyerere. 

      Unknown author (2013-06-29)
      This monument is made of concrete, it was unveiled by H.E. Yoweri. K. Museveni, President of the Republic of Uganda.
    • Canticle of the Sun (Enjuba n’emunyenye in Ganda language, Uganda) 

      Jonathan Kingdon, Lecturer, Margaret Trowell School of Fine Art (1960)
      The painting is a reflection of the poem written by St. Francis of Assisi, a catholic saint, in 1211 .
    • Counseling and Guidance Center Monument. 

      Mulondo (2012)
      This Monument is located at Counseling and Guidance Center Makerere University. It is made out of found metal and concrete and it is the work of Mulondo a student around 2012/13.
    • East African School Of Library and Information Science Mosaic. 

      Makonzi (1968)
      This is the East African School of Library and Information Science Mosaic.
    • The elephant 

      Unknown author (2011)
      Lumumba has a symbol of the elephant because the hall was big, so students referred to it as a big republic, and thus the elephant land, since the elephant symbolizes gigantic features. This monument is located at Makerere ...
    • The Golden Jubilee monument ( Hatching a new generation) 

      George Kakooza (1943)
      This monument is made of copper, brass, steel and concrete and it is located at the science roundabout. It was commissioned in early 1970s for the golden jubilee, completed during the platinum jubilee,1997.
    • Ladies Home. 

      Unknown author (2000)
      This mosaic is located at Africa Hall Reception and it depicts a modern ardoned African lady with cornrows, earrings and necklace.
    • May flower 

      Unknown author (1620)
      This is located at Makerere University main library in the University Librarian office and most probably it was a gift to the library by earlier visitors or Librarians from Europe.
    • Picture of Mary Stuart 

      Unknown author (1952)
      Picture of Mrs Mary Stuart, who was the wife of Bishop Cyril Simon Stuart, Bishop of Uganda, Burundi and Boga Zaire from 1932-1952. Both Bishop and Mary Stuart were missionaries from the Church Missionary Society, United ...
    • Prof. William Senteza Kajubi Monument. 

      Unknown author (2010)
      Monument unveiled in recognition of 60 years of Prof. Senteza Kajubi’s exemplary service to education as a teacher, teacher trainer, administrator of tertiary institutions and education policy advisor.
    • The Rat 

      Odonga, BIFA Student (2005)
      This monument is located at Makerere University Mitchel Hall.
    • Struggle for Justice in Africa Monument. 

      Mr. Anguyo John Bosco (2018)
      This is a sculpture where a female form is being upheld holding a weighing scale. The scale symbolizes justice.