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dc.contributor.authorMuhumuza, Robert
dc.identifier.citationMuhumuza, R. (2019). Report pertaining to the project management aspects of time, cost and quality; a case study of construction of the Specialized maternal and neonatal health care unit project in Mulago Hospital (SMNHUP). Unpublished Master's Thesis. Makerere University: Kampala, Ugandaen_US
dc.descriptionA project report submitted to the School of Built Environment in partial fulfillment of the requirement for the award of the degree of Master of Science in Construction Management of Makerere University.en_US
dc.description.abstractThis report details all Construction activities and Project management practices that the author participated in as the supervising consultant’s assistant Quantity Surveyor during the Construction of the Specialized Maternal and Neonatal Health Care Unit Project (SMNHUP) in Mulago. This aim of this report is to demonstrate the author’s involvement and experience attained during project implementation as well as giving recommendations from lessons learnt. Chapter One; gives a general brief literature on the project management practices, it highlights the objective of this report and the methodology used to address these objectives. This chapter also provides a summary of the case study and it highlights the author’s involvement on the project. Chapter Two; focuses on the project management aspects of time, cost and quality Chapter Three; discusses the aspects of project management as they manifested during project implementation clearly showing the author’s involvement. Chapter Four; highlights the challenges faced during project implementation and the mitigation measures employed to avert the challenges. Chapter Five; provides the general conclusion as well as recommendations for future projectsen_US
dc.subjectProject management aspects of time, cost and qualityen_US
dc.subjectSpecialized maternal and neonatal health care uniten_US
dc.subjectMulago Hospital (SMNHUP).en_US
dc.titleReport pertaining to the project management aspects of time, cost and quality; a case study of construction of the Specialized maternal and neonatal health care unit project in Mulago Hospital (SMNHUP).en_US

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