Factors affecting use of family planning services among sexually active adolescents in Uganda.
The study aimed at finding the factors influencing Family Planning service use among the sexually active adolescents. Specifically how the demographic, socio-economic and cultural factors such as age, sex, education level, religion, residence, marital status, working status, ethnicity and other intermediate factors like knowledge, costs, sex education, belonging to any association, influence use of family planning services among the sexual active adolescents.
The findings of the study showed 95 percent of sexually active adolescents have knowledge on modern FP methods. This is irregardless of sex, age, marital status, religion and education level The study further found out that use of family planning services is about 24.1% despite over 90% knowing at least one method. There is no association or relationship between sex and family planning use among adolescents. The results showed that a change in age by a year increased odds of use by 1.6 times. Marital status was a factor spelling out marrieds use FP services than the unmarrieds.
Other significant factors included education level, use increased with increasing education level and those out of school were less likely to use the services. Ethnicity was found out to be a significant factor; results showed that the Bakiga, Itesot and Luo were less likely to use FP services than other tribes. Other factors included:- sex education, residence, cost and parents’ level of education.
To increase use of FP services among adolescents, education should be promoted and encourage them to negotiate for safer sex, youth friendly services or teenage centers be established in rural areas, ethnic groups should be looked at critically especially where FP use is very low. Never married adolescents should be targeted incase of policies, sex education should continue to be encouraged although adults criticize it.