Now showing items 6-25 of 116

      An analysis of the legal and regulatory framework for corporate takeovers in Uganda: A case study of the banking and telecommunication sectors of Uganda [1]
      An analysis of the protection of traditional medical knowledge from biopiracy: challenges and implications for indigenous knowledge in Uganda. [1]
      Analysis of the role of the board of directors in corporate governance under the Companies Act, 2012 [1]
      Application of mediation as an alternative dispute resolution method: a case study of the commercial division of the High Court of Uganda. [1]
      The application of the exclusion clause to refugees under International and Municipal Law in Uganda [1]
      The application of the exclusion clause to refugees under international and municipal law in Uganda [1]
      Appraising the effectiveness of environmental and social impact assessments in the oil and gas sector: the case studies of Uganda, Kenya and Tanzania [1]
      Assessing the legal mechanisms for promoting sustainable pesticide use in the agriculture sector in Uganda [1]
      An assessment of the effectiveness of the legal and institutional framework for air pollution control in Kampala [1]
      An assessment of the functionality of mediation in reduction of case backlog: a case study of the High Court of Uganda-Commercial Division. [1]
      An assessment of the legal regime governing the mining industry in Uganda [1]
      Collective investment schemes in emerging markets: An assessment of the regulatory framework for investor protection in Uganda [1]
      Community service and recidivism: A study of the legal and institutional framework in Kampala District [1]
      Court annexed mediation and case backlog reduction: [1]
      Criminal abortion in Uganda: A cross–sectional study of perceptions and participation in Kampala District [1]
      Criminal liability of former child abductees under International Criminal Law : a case of the Lord’s Resistance Army (LRA) [1]
      A critical analysis of customary land registration in Uganda: case study of Nwoya district, Uganda. [1]
      A critical analysis of investigation of rape cases in Kampala Metropolitan Policing Area (North) [1]
      A critical analysis of the application of the doctrine in wildlife conservation in Uganda [1]
      A critical analysis of the efficacy of the cites electronic permitting system in combatting illegal wildlife trade in Uganda. [1]