Lok Dog Acoli (Oral Literature and Tradition of the Acoli)
Lok Dog Acoli (2024), loosely translated as Oral Literature and Tradition of the Acoli, covers the fundamentals of Acoli oral literature and tradition. It presents the oral means of passing information and knowledge from one generation to the next. The book does not only provide the literature dimension of the Acoli orality, but it also explains concepts related to the norms, beliefs, attitudes of the people to life and their spirituality. Oral poetry, proverbs, riddles, folktales, myths and legends, which contribute different chapters of this book, are windows through which a people’s culture can be peered into. The book has five chapters, which are summarised below.
Chapter One describes Oral Poetry, showing how different kinds of traditional practices are rendered at the family shrine or in an open space dance arena. This includes the rendition of traditional hunting expedition, traditional dances, celebrating newly acquired property (blessings), and curse and its reversal rites. Through these practices, we can discern man’s fear for the scary unknown that threatens his life and wellbeing. It is this fear that drives man to seek the intervention of their ancestors and the Creator in times of dire needs.
Chapter Two is about Riddles, comprising the explanation of what a riddle is in the literature and sociohistorical perspective, its rendition and significance in the promotion and preservation of Acoli culture and tradition. For example, riddles are crucial elements in developing language competence in children, helping them to know what is in their environment, their culture and be able to verbally communicate them. The chapter also contains 110 well-explained riddles.
Chapter Three presents Acoli Proverbs as a tool for recording the philosophy of the Acoli people and as a means for using the philosophy in a communicative purpose to wisely suppress vice and evils in the community. The book explains what a proverb is, interprets it, its rendition and the situation of usage. Proverbs cover a wide range of human experience, which include wisdom, communality, cautious situation, and others, within which 190 proverbs are recoreded.
Chapter Four comprises Oral Narratives, which involves folk tales, myths and legends. They talk about old stories that can be real or mythical. It also explains the rendition of folk tales. Folktales are presented as a way of entertainment, but as an essential source of moral lessons to children and adults alike. They provide checklists for our daily conduct.
Chapter Five, which is on Tongue Twisters, is a very short one. It is about tongue twisters, their importance and how they are articulated. It is a linguistic practice that enables young children to easily learn the vocabulary and articulate the sounds of the language accurately.