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dc.contributor.authorKasimo, Chrispus
dc.identifier.citationKasimo, Chrispus. (2024). Implementation of Quality Management Practices in Road Construction Projects - Case Study of KIBP Project, Namanve. (Unpublished Master’s Project Report) Makerere University; Kampala, Ugandaen_US
dc.descriptionA project report submitted to the College of Engineering, Design, Art and Technology in partial fulfillment of the requirement for the award of a Master’s Degree in Construction Management of Makerere University.en_US
dc.description.abstractThe development of crucial infrastructure, including road networks, electricity grids, and industrial parks, plays a key role in driving economic growth, usually evidenced by increased GDP. The Kampala Industrial Business Park (KIBP), designed/planned to accommodate various industrial and commercial activities (SMEs), was initiated by the Ugandan government through Uganda Investment Authority (UIA), with LaganDOTT Namanve Limited entrusted to implement the project in an EPC contract. This study aimed to assess the extent of implementation of quality management practices within the KIBP project, focusing on quality implementation measures (QA/QC), conformance to designs and specifications, and challenges encountered. Utilizing explanatory research, the study primarily relied on secondary data obtained through document reviews and supplemented with primary data from field observations. Various documents were scrutinized, including contracts, quality assurance plans, design reports, and progress reports. The findings revealed the adoption of QA/QC practices by the KIBP project to meet project objectives, although with challenges such as workforce turnover, low wages, poor communication, and planning issues identified. Recommendations were suggested to address these barriers, emphasizing proper scheduling, communication channels, skilled workforce recruitment, improved remunerations, welfare and capacity building through training. By addressing these challenges and fostering stakeholder engagement, the KIBP project can navigate quality management complexities more effectively, contributing to its success and Uganda's economic advancement.en_US
dc.publisherMakerere Universityen_US
dc.subjectRoad Construction Projectsen_US
dc.subjectKIBP Project, Namanveen_US
dc.titleImplementation of Quality Management Practices in Road Construction Projects - Case Study of KIBP Project, Namanveen_US

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