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dc.contributor.authorAloyo, Annet
dc.identifier.citationAloyo, A. (2022).Upgrading of Masaka-Bukakata Road (41km) from gravel to paved (bitumen standard). (Unpublished Postgraduate Diploma Dissertation). Makerere University, Kampala, Uganda.en_US
dc.descriptionA project report submitted to the Department of Construction Economics and Management in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the award of the Postgraduate Diploma in Construction Project Management of Makerere University.en_US
dc.description.abstractMasaka-Bukakata road was a gravel road stretching from Nyendo town to Bukakata Landing site and Lambu fishing site. This presented a connectivity problem to the users with a lot of defects and challenges not limited to potholes, edge failure, increased water levels in swamps along the road making the road un usable. The Government of Uganda earmarked funds for the National Roads Development and Maintenance Programme (NRDMP), and applied part of the funds towards payments under the Contract for Upgrading of Masaka-Bukakata/Lambu road from Gravel to Class II paved bitumen standard with associated ancillary works. The project road starts at Nyendo in Masaka District and terminates at Bukakata landing site (34.9km) with a spur to Lambu landing site (4.9km) that begins at km 30+000. The existing road to Lambu was a gravel road with 0.5km of its length along a causeway in Lake Victoria. The project is located in the greater Masaka region and hence expected to contribute significantly to social and economic improvement of the region since it connects the island district to Masaka City as shown in Figure 1-1 Project Location Map. On that note, The Arab Contractors O.A.O was contracted to do the Civil works and Galander Engineering Consultants in association with KKATT Consults Limited was contracted to carry out design review and supervision services on behalf of the Employer, UNRA. Works commenced on 2nd January, 2019. The road was designed and constructed for 2 lanes, 7.0m wide carriage way (3.5m each lane), 1.5m wide shoulders on each side of the lanes with a cross slope of 2.5% for both the carriage way and the shoulders. The pavement was constructed to 150mm thick G15 Capping layer and comprise 175mm G30 and 150mm CRS Subbase layers, 175mm CRR Base course layer and then finished with 25mm DBST wearing course. The Contractor substantially completed works on 30th August, 2021 with physical progress of 98.67% against a time elapse of 100% (792 days inclusive of the extended time for completion). The remaining 1.33% was due to ancillary works and civil works for the 160m section with a ship-wreck in the right of way along the Causeway which encumbered start of works in that section. These pending works were captured in the Snags list on the pre-take over inspection held on 2nd September, 2021. As at 30th August, 2021, the financial progress of works was at 87.71% exclusive of VoP and 91.88% inclusive of VoP as per IPC 23. The project report summarises the design review methodology and project management approach in five chapters, namely: Chapter 1 - Introduction, Chapter 2 – Literature Review, Chapter 3 - Project Implementation, Chapter 4 - Project Management Practices, and Chapter 5 – Conclusion and recommendations.en_US
dc.publisherMakerere Universityen_US
dc.subjectroad constructionen_US
dc.subjectroad pavingen_US
dc.subjectroad gravelen_US
dc.subjectMasaka-Bukakata Road (41km)en_US
dc.subjectbitumen standarden_US
dc.titleUpgrading of Masaka-Bukakata Road (41km) from gravel to paved (bitumen standard)en_US

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