Now showing items 3238-3257 of 12709

      Diagnostic knee arthroscopy: findings and their correlation with clinical impressions at mulago hospital. [1]
      Diagnostic performance evaluation of lateral flow florescence immunoassay (LFIA)- based point-of-care platforms in the measurement of selected cancer makers; PSA, CEA and CA125 [1]
      Diagnostic performance of four hepatitis B surface antigen CE marked and one WHO prequalified rapid diagnostic tests in Uganda [1]
      Diagnostic performance of multiplex polymerase chain reaction test in identifying pneumonia causing micro-organisms on sputum samples of HIV positive patients accessing clinical care at Kiruddu and Naguru hospitals [1]
      Diagnostic Reference Levels For Common Computed Tomography Examinations In Adult Patients, Kampala- Uganda [1]
      Diagnostic reference levels for hysterosalpingography studies at three centres in Kampala, Uganda [1]
      Diagnostic reference levels for lumbar spine x-ray examinations in eight x-ray health units in Kampala, Uganda [1]
      Diagnostic reference levels for pediatric chest radiographs at three radiology units in Kampala, Uganda. [1]
      The diagonostic value of Serum Cryptococcal Antigen Titres among HIV infected patients with suspected cryptococcal meningo-encephalitis attending Mulago Hospital [1]
      Diameters of the lumbar vertebral canal in adult skeletons at the Galloway osteological collection museum of Makerere university. [1]
      Diet selection strategies of Grauer's Gorillas (Gorilla beringei graueri) in relation to nutritional benefits and exposure to hepatotoxic phytochemical in Mount Tshiabirimu Forest, Virunga National Park, DRC [1]
      Dietary and lifestyle factors associated with blood pressure control among adult hypertensive patients under care at Kiruddu hospital [1]
      Dietary contribution of grasshoppers (Ruspolia nitidula) and white ants (Macrotermes bellicosus) and influence of processing methods on their nutrient composition [1]
      Dietary diversity and gender food consumption gap among farm households in Kapchorwa District [1]
      Difference in risk factors for breast cancer by ER status in an Indigenous African population. [1]
      Differences in factors associated with initial growth, CD4, and viral load responses to ART in HIV-Infected children in Kampala, Uganda, and the United Kingdom/Ireland [1]
      Differential prevalence of plasmodium falciparum transporter polymorphisms and infection complexity in children with symptomatic and asymptomatic malaria in Tororo, Uganda. [1]
      Differential prevalence of transporter polymorphisms in symptomatic and asymptomatic Falciparum Malaria Infections in Uganda [1]
      Differentials in HIV testing and receipt of results between adolescent and non-adolescent women in Uganda: Application of non-linear Oaxaca decomposition [1]
      Differentiation patterns of Trypanosoma Brucei field isolates [1]